Wednesday, September 24, 2014

Tuesday's Notes on Living Things and Fish

Presentation from Tuesday's class, September 23rd.

This should be page 12 or 13 of your notebook.

(If you missed class, see other students for the complete notes.)

Monday, September 22, 2014

Journal Organization from Week 2

Name and Marine Biology

First Page:  Table of Contents

Pages 2-6 Skip, but number them.

Page 7  At the top write today’s date – Sept. 17, 2014
What lives in the ocean?
What is the range of biodiversity living in each ocean environment?
New Vocabulary 
Biology: Bio means living things, ology means the study of, biology is the study of living things.

Biodiversity: a diverse amount of living things. How many different living things are in an ecosystem.

Ecosystem:  needs a definition

Page 8  Introduction to Concept Maps
Page 9  Rubric for concept maps
Page 10  Concept Map first draft
Page 11  Concept Map Final Draft 

Monday, September 15, 2014

Welcome to Tom's Marine Biology Course!

It is now official, the course will offer the PBAT assignment, instructions, revisions, and presentation support throughout October, November and December. PBAT presentations will happen in January.

All students, (including students who need the PBAT) will be required to meet all the challenging tasks ahead of us this semester. Passing the PBAT does not equate to passing the class. However, if you are failing the class, you cannot present the PBAT.

Talk to Tom if you have questions about the course, or the PBAT.

Tom's afterschool days will be Mondays at 3:30pm.
He will also be available Tuesdays at 4:45pm (he has a meeting right after school.)
He is also also available Tuesday and Wednesday mornings at 8:00am.