Tuesday, October 28, 2014

Tilapia Research Paper Outline

Hello Marine Biology Students,
Please use this outline when writing your research paper on Tilapia. You can copy and paste this information or type it into you paper yourself. First, set up a "new document" in google drive, and share this with Tom. Title the new document, "your name Tilapia research paper.

What is due TODAY:
1. This outline copied into your document, shared with Tom.
2. The Experimental Design Section, first draft.


Experimental Question and Introduction

Background Research (This will be revised MEATy paragaphs, notes from class, and additional information you research. 2-10 pages.)

Hypothesis (What prediction will you design your experiment around? The hypothesis must include specific ideas about cause and effect. It must also be based on something you read.)

Experimental Design Section (This section can be anywhere from 1-5 pages)
1. Description of the Variables (paragraphs describing the independent, dependent, and controlled variables.)

2. Set up (This is a paragraph or two about how to set up the experiment. Also, a diagram showing what the set up is.)

3. Timeline

4. Procedure (detailed steps and instructions on how to run the experiment, from start to finish. How to move fish, how to take water chemistry samples, how to measure fish, how to use the automatic feeders and so on. See procedure assignment from Oct. 23rd in your notebook. Usually also shows diagrams of how the procedure will happen.)

5. Forms of Error and Bias (This is a combination of your observation about what IS causing errors in our measurements, and what you think WILL be sources of error in the future. Usually this section is a few paragraphs.)

Results (The data collected on the dependent variables. Data collected on controlled variables. Must be in table form. This is in the spreadsheet document instead of your paper. We will copy and paste it from that document when the experiment is over.)

Analysis and Conclusion (Graphs, tables, and written analysis and a conclusion.)

Discussion (Paragraph about revisions and future research questions.)

Works Cited / Bibliography 


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